Legends in Blue Jackets


I hope everyone’s FFA Week was as amazing and inspiring as mine was. As I slipped my blue jacket on on Monday I got the familiar chills I do every time I wear the corduroy. This time felt a little different. My imagination flashed to all the people that had worn the jacket before me. Official dress was first adopted in 1933. FFA members have been wearing the same blue jacket for 88 years! I don’t know of any other garment that has kept the same style and popularity for that long. (Even bell bottoms went out of style before they came back stronger than ever.)
I wondered why FFA hadn’t left the corduroy back in the 80’s (where we unsuccessfully tried to leave mullets). After all, the jacket only makes the hot hotter and the cold colder. When I reflected on the reason behind sticking with the jacket, I thought about how much my jacket meant to me. I was reminded of the COUNTLESS memories I had made in that jacket. I reflected on the personal and professional growth I’d experienced while wearing it. I thought of the individuals that donned the jacket before me. Did you know Taylor Swift was in FFA? She was preceded by Jordy Nelson and Tuff Hedemen. Let’s not forget the absolute LEGEND of a man, Ridge Hughbanks. Or more important to me, my mom and grandpa. I was amazed when I thought of the people that came before me in this organization.
That amazement only increased as the week progressed. I visited chapters in almost every district and I truly cannot express the potential I saw. My teammates can attest, I walked out of most visits babbling about how inspired I was by the members. As Bailey and I worked our way to the southwest corner of the state, we told members how much they impacted us. Technically as state officers we are the ones that are supposed to be making a difference in the lives of our members; however, I believe that the members made the biggest impact on me. When I spoke to the members of Kansas FFA, I saw legends in the making. I saw the future of agriculture… and the world.
Yes, it’s so cool to look back at the stories of the phenomenal people that preceded us in wearing the jacket. However, I want you to know that your story has the potential to be just as awe-inspiring. Don’t just take the jacket as a comfort of the past. Instead, take it as the symbol of leadership it was meant to be. The jacket and this organization produces legends. It’s your choice to dive in head first or sit back and watch the opportunities pass you by.

Choose to become a legend,


Back Jacket