Leaving Your Impression


I went home this past week, and I was surprised by how much had changed. Road work that had been finished, buildings that had been torn down, things of that matter. Very few things in life remain the same, even concrete can be torn apart. It reminded me of how every interaction I have can change people’s perspective. If the roads I’ve grown up on can change so quickly, people’s ideas of me can change even faster.

Will Rogers said “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.” On the contrary of this statement, I believe every interaction leaves an impression. The first one may be a deciding factor on whether they connect with you a second time or not, but each time you meet will either build or change someone’s opinion of you.

People are not going to remember if you were having a bad day when you met them, they will remember how you came across. Being a genuine person, and putting your best foot forward is the best way to leave your mark.

Leave your legacy within each person, be intentional with your conversations, and be happy with your impressions.

Best Wishes,