Image for Life-Altering 



Change is a scary thing. 

We are constantly experiencing change in life and it can sometimes be hard to know how to face it. These past three months have been full of changes and new experiences, from meeting members from across Kansas to moving and getting ready for college.   

One of the biggest changes I’ve encountered happened in 2011. I was nine years old when the earthquake, tsunami, and the nuclear disaster hit Japan. This day changed my life forever. 

I was born and raised in Fukushima, Japan, a beautiful location with tons of rice fields and mountains all around. In the aftermath of this tragedy, my parents made the difficult decision that it would be for the best if my brother and I came to the U.S. to avoid the high levels of radiation. So, my mom, brother, and I lived in Kansas for about nine months with my grandma following this natural disaster. 

This change offered me an opportunity to experience an American education and this is actually when I learned how to speak English for the first time. Funny thing is, I always understood conversations in English but I couldn’t speak it until this point in my life.    

This change at a young age led me to the conclusion of wanting to move to the U.S. for my high school years in hopes of going to college here. The most significant thing I remember from back when I was in Kansas as a nine year old was the genuine kindness from the people around me. I couldn’t get over how approachable, warm, and joyful they were. Seeing two different cultures at a young age opened my eyes to the possibilities that were out there in the world. 

As a 15 year old, moving to a different country and living without my parents for the first time was a difficult change I had to adapt to and truth be told, even after three years, I am still trying to adapt to that.   

Bad things happen to innocent people. However, I believe that good things can come from the worst days of our lives. The disaster in Fukushima, Japan changed so many peoples’ lives. For me, it sent me halfway across the world and to a path that I wouldn’t have pursued before that tragic day. For me, it was life-altering.  

Looking back at all these big changes in life, although every situation, experience, and feelings were different, one thing remained the same. In every single situation whether that may be a joyful or sad experience, I have always been blessed with incredible people who are right there with me. No matter the distance, no matter the age difference, no matter our backgrounds, there are people who help you grow through these changes. There is a long list of names and I have faith that it is going to get longer as I go throughout this year and throughout life. 

 I can’t help but smile throughout the day because of how big of a blessing it is to know you have someone that genuinely cares. To those people, I say a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Don’t be afraid of events that could be life-altering. Who knows? You may end up half way across the world living your best life yet.  

Lydia Watanabe

Lydia 1

State Reporter