Information Updated 1/31/2024

Thank you for making a difference.

FFA relies on the support of exceptional teachers, individuals and companies to provide life-changing experiences for its members.

Each year, at the Kansas FFA Convention, those who have made outstanding contributions to FFA are honored with Distinguished Service Citations, VIP awards or the Honorary State FFA Degree.

Nominations for Honorary FFA Awards are due March 10 of each year. All awards use the same application, please select the correct drop-down for the appropriate information to be provided for the nominee.

Honorary State FFA Degree

Individuals who have provided exceptional service on a state level to agriculture, agricultural education, or FFA are eligible for the Honorary State FFA Degree.

Nominations include:

Adult Supporter (other than a current agriculture teacher) – someone who supports your local program or who has made an impact on students at the local, district or state level.

Agricultural Education Teacher – your local teacher/advisor who does good things in the classroom, school and for your chapter.

Distinguish Service Citation

The Distinguished Service Citation honors organizations, agencies, businesses or other groups who have made outstanding contributions to FFA and agricultural education on a state level.

VIP Citation

The VIP Citation honors individuals who have dedicated 20 years of service to FFA and agricultural education on a state level.