Teach Ag Ed

Why Teach Agriculture?

Ag teachers never have the same day twice! You can find them in a classroom or laboratory, visiting students in the field, preparing teams for an FFA event, or leading a community service activity with their FFA Chapter. They serve an essential role in their school and community. However, demand for agriculture teachers is much higher than the current and projected supply.

  • Share your passion for agriculture
  • Create hands-on learning experiences
  • Connect with all students, including those who might not enjoy the traditional classroom environment
  • Educate students about cutting-edge topics like biotechnology, precision agriculture, alternative energy, and more.
  • Travel in-state, nationally, and even internationally.
  • Attend State and National FFA Conventions for life

Agricultural educators are often on extended contracts, meaning they get paid during the summer months and have the potential to earn a significantly higher salary than other teachers.

How do I become an Ag Teacher?

Kansas State University

Fort Hays State University

Meet the 2024-25 Teach Ag Students of Kansas (TASK) Force Representatives

TASK Force Representatives are college students at either K-State or Fort Hays majoring in Agricultural Education. Representatives travel the state volunteering their time to the profession by judging contests, presenting workshops or helping to recruit future students into the profession! For more information, or to request a TASK Force member at your event email Dr. Brandie Disberger!

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Ashley Morsbach • FHSU
Northwest District


Kacey Butler • KSU
North Central District


Allison Arment • KSU
Northeast District


Hilary Kabourek • KSU
Southwest District


Ella Pachta • KSU
South Central District


Rachel Hood • KSU
Southeast District


Peyton Sherron • KSU
East Central District


Lauren Fry • KSU
KSU Campus Events Coordinator


Shealynn Rasmussen • FHSU
FHSU Campus Events Coordinator


Dr. Brandie Disberger • KSU
Agricultural Education Instructor


Mr. Jeremy Ryan • FHSU
Instructor of Agricultural Business

Looking for a position?

Take a look at the Ag Ed Vacancy Blog! Home to all Ag Ed Teaching and Extension positions in Kansas! Or, head over to the Kansas Teaching Jobs website where all teaching positions in Kansas are listed.

Ag Education Best Career Ever