Past State Officers Pledge to Endowment Campaign
June 21, 2022

Connections, reminiscing and future potential were common themes shared by many in attendance at the inaugural Past State Officer brunch during the recent Kansas FFA Convention in Manhattan. Tom Hemmer, Past Kansas State FFA President who served the Association in 1985-86 welcomed the group and shared that he and his wife, Maggie, were pledging one million dollars to the “Our Youth. Our Future. Our Kansas FFA.” Endowment+ Campaign. Following the announcement the State Officer Team from 2001-02 announced they were each pledging to the campaign and challenging the other officer teams to come together to pledge as well.
“The Kansas FFA was instrumental in our professional development and it felt important to support this important project,” said Michael Burns, Secretary 2001-02 and current trustee of the Kansas FFA Foundation board. “We’ve all given to the Kansas FFA Foundation at one level or another but this will be pledged above and beyond. We want to ensure the generations of FFA members to come have the resources and opportunities to thrive.”
The “Our Youth. Our Future. Our Kansas FFA.” Endowment+ Campaign was announced during the 94th Kansas FFA State Convention on June 3. The statewide campaign will raise $5 million to establish an endowment to support the Kansas FFA and allow donors to give to immediate needs.
“We’re already getting calls from other Former State Officer Teams that are working to secure their pledges to the campaign,” said Johanna Anderes, Kansas FFA Foundation development coordinator. “We’re happy to schedule a call or a visit with anyone who is interested in learning more about the campaign. I can’t wait to see which teams meet the challenge.”
For additional information on the campaign and how to participate, contact Johanna Anderes, Kansas FFA development coordinator, at [email protected] or call 785-410-7313 or visit the Kansas FFA website at