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Finding my Family

Family is defined as a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit. Growing up I knew my parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins, and grandparents were all my family but did not think any more into it. Through sports, friends, and extracurricular activities I found my definition of family. My family are the people who constantly love and support me. 


“Family means having someone to love you unconditionally in spite of you and your shortcomings. Family is loving and supporting one another even when it’s not easy to do so. It’s being the best person you could be so that you may inspire your love ones. Family doesn’t see color, race, creed not culture it sees heart. Family isn’t always about being connected biologically, because understands that other things and influences bind us. Family is unrelenting, it’s secure and reliable. Family isn’t just important, it’s what is most important!” – Marvin Lazenbury, MHS, Associated Director of Housing, Bucks & Montgomery County Valley Youth House

Everyone has their own definition of family. Your family can be anyone. I found my family within FFA during high school. From the constant support of my advisors to the best friends I had on my officer team I always had a family within FFA.


This year at college, I have found so many families. I have a family in the house I live in, I have a family within my State Officer Team, and I have a family within my church. Family is finding people who support you in all aspects of life. I have two families the family God gave me and the family I got to choose.
