Writer's Block


Writing these blogs is nothing new to me. Our officer team was elected last May. There are six of us, and we rotate writing every six weeks, producing one blog a week. I know my spot in the rotation. It’s written in my planner. We remind each other who’s week is coming up at our weekly meeting, but here I am, my blog week, unsure of what to write about. I rack my brain for anything that’s sparked my interest or made the gears in my brain turn and I’m still stuck. Writer’s block. If only I was as witty as Abby Johnson in keeping a note in my phone of blog ideas that occur to her randomly. But sadly, I’m not. So I listen to a new playlist, or a new podcast, and maybe scroll through Pinterest for something inspiring, and still, nothing.

Sometimes we feel stuck. Like there’s no way of moving forward. Completely and utterly, stuck. But we’re not actually stuck. We’ve just grown accustomed to behaviors that have helped and worked in the past. But because we are all in constant states of growth, at some point those expected behaviors become more hurtful than helpful because they are keeping us where we are. We’ve developed this formula of what works. But when we’re stuck, we have to change the formula to change the outcome.

My normal formula of listening to a new playlist, a new podcast, and scrolling through pinterest didn’t work for this week’s blog. But when I changed the formula and recognized that those previous behaviors weren’t working, inspiration hit me. Inspiration to write what I know, and in the moment’s of writing this blog, what I knew was feeling stuck.

We don’t always have the answers, in fact we rarely do. But we don’t need to have it all together. But we do need to live from our hearts and let ourselves explore. Exploration leads to innovation and inspiration and ultimately growth. Validate yourself when you’re stuck, because chances are, the only stuck you are, is in a pattern of behaviors that you have outgrown. Don’t judge yourself. Embrace who you are, where you are, continuing growing, and the rest will fall into place.

Not stuck, but outgrowing,
