Image for On the 12th Day of Christmas, FFA Gave to Me…

On the 12th Day of Christmas, FFA Gave to Me…

Guess what time it is? It’s time for CHRISTMAS, which means our ears are filled with Christmas music on the daily. One of my personal favorites is the song 12 Days of Christmas, and I decided to put an FFA twist on the tune. I hope you enjoy!

On the 12th day of Christmas, FFA gave to me…


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TWELVE Pairs of Pantyhose and Dress Socks

-Every FFA member knows that feeling of frantically searching for an unripped pair of pantyhose or a pair of black dress socks (yes gentlemen, Nike socks just won’t cut it). Thankfully, some stores offer discounts (especially on Black Friday). The first step to success is to dress accordingly.  Might as well stock up while you can!


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ELEVEN Boxes of Fruit

-Around this time of year is when our favorite semi trucks make their rounds to Ag Ed programs across the state. I always remembered sorting through hundreds of boxes and having a nice afternoon snack of fruit all the way until New Years. Most importantly, these fundraisers help pay for FFA events throughout the year. Do your best to sell as much as you can!


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TEN Steno Notepads

-To the livestock judgers out there, this is “the gift that keeps on givin” But it’s also a handy gift for just about anyone. Steno pads can function as just about anything- notes for class, to-do list, cheap pad folio, name tent maker, fuel for a warm fire- really anything you put your mind to!


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NINE SAE Supplies

-Now here’s a gift that could literally be anything. Maybe it’s a new set of mower blades, maybe it’s a $500,000 tractor, maybe it’s feed bags, maybe its a new halter. Whatever it might be, make the ask, and the investment. Our SAEs are a vital part of the three circle model experience and they’re what makes FFA members unique in the workforce. SAEs allow us to gain real world experience and contribute to our communities.


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EIGHT Lint Rollers

-Dressing for success falls short when your Official Dress is covered in lint and fuzz. From pocket sized to XL to glow in the dark to scented, there are hundreds of options to suit your fancy. Never leave home without one!


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SEVEN Pairs of Boots

-This year, I met a friend who happened to own a pair of boots for every situation. On Veterans Day, she wore her American Flag boots. On Homecoming, she sported a pair of KSU Wildcat boots. On 80s night for Quest, she busted out Disco boots fully equip with flashing lights. While we might have a slightly smaller collection of boots, we all have different talents we can use for certain occasions. Make sure those talents are polished for any occasion.


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SIX Officer Stations

-Symbolic as ever, these stations are well rooted in our traditions and have meaningful purpose in our organization. They exemplify the value of hard work, integrity, courtesy, leadership, and discipline. Whether you’re serving as an officer this year or not, don’t be afraid to reach out a helping hand!


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-Conventions and conferences are some of the best ways to meet new people, follow some amazing role models, and pick up new ideas for the year. Take full advantage of Leader Lab, WLC, SCCL, State Convention and National Convention this year!


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FOUR FFA Manuals

-if you’ve ever studied for an FFA information test, you know how important the Manual is. What’s more important is the rich history and tradition found inside. Even if you’re not competing, take a moment to flip though and revamp your passion for the FFA’s history.


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THREE Rubber Bands

-Those pesky degree chains always give me a headache when they break. For safekeeping, I pack an extra couple of rubber bands just in case the straps in my jacket break. Rubber bands are also extremely helpful in a variety of situation like an impromptu hair tie or a self defense mechanism. Flexibility is key to any situation.


TWO…Hundred Absences

-This number is probably close to my FFA related absences in high school. While attending events was sometimes challenging, it came with rewards like none other. I learned how to manage my time, stay up to date on school work, put new skills into practice, all while meeting excellent people from all over. Take advantage of the awesome opportunities FFA has to personally develop yourself.


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And a Jacket Full of Memories

-The experiences I’ve had in the Blue Jacket are comparable to none other. I’m so thankful to be apart of an organization that makes such an impressive impact on young people, the ag industry, and the world. I credit my FFA jacket for shaping who I am today.

Have an amazing holiday season!

Living to Serve,

~Michael Dowd